Here is a coupon code that can be used on order over $5 to get discount in the website: ETS68AYU, which is valid before Dec. 31, 2014.
• This part includes the BlackBerry Z30 LCD screen, digitizer touch screen, LCD frame and ear speaker.
• This BB Z30 replacement screen is 100% OEM manufactured and assembled.
• The BlackBerry Z30 screen replacement is available in two colors. This is the Black one.
• This part is only compatible with the BlackBerry Z30. Please check your model before ordering.
Tools needed:
1. T4 Philip screwdriver
2. Tweezers
3. Case opening tool
1. Pry up the battery door cover.
2.Undo the 10 screws that securing the rear housing.
3.Pry up the screen with the case opening tool. (Notice: handle carefully as there’s a flex cable connecting to the logic board.)
4.Pry up the clip, remove the flex cable carefully for its fragility.
5.Pry up the connectors that securing the logic board, then take out the motherboard.
6.Remove the volume button and power button retaining bracket.
7.Pry up the flashlight flex cable.
8.Remove the rear facing camera.
9.Remove the flashlight flex cable from the rear housing slot.
10.Take out the battery.
11.Then, the BlackBerry Z30 has been disassembled.